

So im sitting here in the car on this beautiful morning waiting for my next class to start- I look out the window and see this beautiful rainbow :) ahhhh... Nature- its a beautiful thing.
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Haitian soda

My sister and I went to miami today (land of haitians and cubans) and I had a haitian soda :) I felt close to my roots lol. It actually taste pretty good. Its watermelon flavored yummm ! Oh and peep the french wording. It translates to "soda flavored with watermelon".
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My signature color

I love getting pink on my nails. It makes me feel so girly. I have acrylic on all ten nails no tips. Tips mess up my real nails so ive stopped for years now.
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New look

Sitting here at the hair salon;; under the hair dryer (I hate this part). My sister took me to this new hair salon and its REALLY nice-- its so pretty. Ive decided to go back to my bangs today. I was getting tired of looking at my big ass forehead lol.
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Well im sitting here bumpin my favorite artist-- Rihanna so I thought I should blog about her. I LOVE HER ALOT! I own all her albums-- her songs are so amazing. People dont like her but idc I liked her since the begining and I will be a fan til the end.

Heaven in my mouth pt 2

Chocolate addict.
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Heaven in my mouth

Aaaaaahhh :)

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